Free Writing*
8 Minutes
Think of the sea. Think of all the times to have seen it with your own eyes. Listen to its sound. Concentrate on the rhythm of the waves; the in, the out, the waves falling and then receding. Think of the moon dictating the tides and the sun which warms your skin as you sit there on the sand. Watch the waves come like creases, to fall in froth on the sand, grabbing at the shingle. Listen to yourself breathing, in and out, in and out and let the waves and your breath come together. As you breathe in the waves fall back, as you breathe out the next one crashes on the sand. In and out. Look at the colour of the water. Imagine the water is clear. You can see everything beneath, the stones, the seaweed. You can see the sun’s reflection on the surface, lots of tiny diamonds of light. You look up at the sky. You see just the vast expanse of blue and perhaps a few clouds which float innocuously. As you breathe and as the waves crash upon the beach in time to your breathing, watch the clouds float above, changing almost imperceptibly into what they will next become. Watch the strands of clouds high above them and see the sun too bright to look upon directly. See the line of the horizon, see the rocks, the cliffs upon which the wind agitates the grasses. Then take your mind out with the waves and into the water, across the waves and away from the sound of the waves. There are no waves now, just the wind and the sun, the water and the disatnce. Now go beneath the clear water and see the Pliosaur. This unimaginable monster, seventeen metres long, swimming like a shark. You can feel the water, you can recall what it’s like but you are not in the place where the Pliosaur swims. No-one is in this place and even the earliest ancestor of modern man will have to wait nearly 150 million years before they arrive, before they will at the edges of time be able to take a photograph of the sea. That in which the Pliosaur no longer swims. look at the waves, listen to the waves and think of the fossil of the Pliosaur.
* writing without stopping; read more.